Most sports have an off-season. In fact, Golf just ended their regular season in August with the Tour Championship held right here in Atlanta Georgia, SDA’s hometown. In the off-season, athletes will relax, review their past performance, adjust, practice, and train. The off-season is both a physical and mental time to establish a new plan and prepare for the year ahead. (Click here to Read More)
Golden Rules of Business
People do business with people they like. This fundamental rule of business has been repeated many times – because it is true. There is another rule of business that is equally as powerful; “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” Living by these golden rules will bring repeat business, keep customers happy, and translate to higher profits. And these rules apply to collections if you have the right plan. Read More
Sell for Pride
There is an old saying in golf: “Drive for show, putt for dough.” For those not familiar with golf, it’s a reminder that while your drives off the tee might be impressive, putting is the real key and usually determines who collects the winner’s check. In the BHPH industry, our saying might be, “Sell for pride, collect for profit.” Like golf, much has been written about the skills and best practices of collections. Topics range from account aging analysis, GPS technology and related finance companies to the basics of hiring and training. (Read More…)
Repeat Sales – Trends in 2019
BHPH Dealer (June 2019) – Mr. Gary Page, chief executive officer of SDA: Keep good records of your sales to repeat customers. According the US Chamber of Commerce, 80% of your future revenues will come from 20% of your current customers. Customer loyalty never seems to change over time, however the trends in business seem to heavily impact what creates loyalty. Read article….
Keep those BHPH Customers Paying at Your Lot – Here’s Why….
USED CAR NEWS – Studies show that almost 50% of dealership sales are from repeat and referral business. Savvy dealers really get to know their customer base – because those same customers will bring them more customers. Buy-here, pay-here dealers work really hard to bring customers to their lot – why would any buy-here, payhere dealer disrupt that valuable customer interaction? [Read more…]
How BHPH Became a Service
AUTO REMARKETING – I remember the first time I heard the term “tote-the-note.” I was getting my feet wet in the used car industry by working with the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association when I asked what the term meant (after making sure I had heard it right). Read More…